Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breaching in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, Canada

Humpback Whale

(Megaptera novaeangliae)

Male Humpback Whales sing the most complex song in the animal kingdom. A single song typically lasts ten to fifteen minutes! It is repeated over and over, but gradually changes composition. All whales in a population sing the same ever-changing song! No one knows how this is accomplished, or why! (source Whale Trust)

Also, Humpbacks have the longest appendage of any animal: it’s flippers! They can be up to 16 feet long, taller than an entire giraffe!

Want to see humpbacks in the wild? Try whale watching in Australia!

Photo: breaching in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, Canada while on a whale watching tour with Nimmo Bay Wilderness Resort (read the story of our adventures at Nimmo Bay)