Welcome to my A-Z Animals series! This is a collection of animals that start with n. My list only includes one-word animal names because they’re the best for animal alphabets! Here are 37 animals beginning with N and a short description of each. If you want to see even more, check out the huge list of animals starting with n I made on Travel For Wildlife. But first, my top 5 favorite animals that start with the letter n!
Quick Links to Animals by Letter:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | X | Y | Z

My Top 5 Favorite Animals That Start With N
- Narwhal
- Nautilus
- Nudibranch
- Numbat
- Noolbenger
Mammals That Start With N
- Narwhal (an Arctic whale)
- Numbat (an Australian marsupial anteater)
- Nutria (a South American aquatic rodent, aka Coypu)
- Nyala (an African antelope)
- Nabarlek (an Australian marsupial, aka Little Rock Wallaby)
- Noolbenger (an Australian marsupial, aka Honey Possum)
- Nilgai (an Indian antelope, aka Blue Bull)
- Ningaui ( group of tiny Australian marsupials)
- Noctule (a Eurasian bat, aka Common Noctule, or one of 8 species of bats in the genus Nyctalus)
- Napu (a Southeast Asian ungulate, aka Greater Mouse Deer)
Birds That Start With N
- Nightingale (a Eurasian song bird)
- Nene (Nënë) (an endangered Hawaiian goose)
- Nighthawk (a nocturnal bird, aka Common Nighthawk)
- Neddicky ( an African song bird, aka Piping Cisticola)
- Nightjar (about 100 species of nocturnal birds in the family Caprimulgidae)
- Nutcracker (3 species of jay-like birds in the genus Nucifraga)
- Nicator (genus of songbirds in Africa)
- Noddy (tropical seabirds in the genus Anous)
- Nunbird (Central and South American puffbirds in the genus Monasa)
- Nunlet (South American puffbirds in the genus Nonnula)
- Nuthatch (clinging birds of the genus Sitta, 28 species)
- Nandu (3 species of large flightless birds in South America, aka Rhea)
Amphibians That Start With N
- Newt (salamanders in the subfamily Pleurodelinae)
- Natterjack ( a European toad)
Fish That Start With N
- Needlefish (tropical saltwater fish belonging to the Belonidae family)
- Nalolo (a Combtooth Blenny)
- Nase (a European freshwater fish)
- Nightfish (a freshwater perch in Southern Australia)
- Nkupe (a freshwater fish in Central/Southern Africa)
- Noodlefish (freshwater fish belonging to the Salangidae family in Eastern Asia)
- Numbray (an electric ray in Australia, aka Spottail Sleeper Ray)
- Numbfish (tropical electric rays in the Narcinidae family)
- Nurseryfish (brackish-water fish in northern Australia & New Guinea)
Invertebrate Animals That Start With N
- Nautilus (a cephalopod with a chambered spiral shell)
- Nudibranch (one of more than 2,300 species of colorful sea slugs)
- Nightcrawler (a large earthworm)
- Nematode (roundworms belong to the phylum Nematoda)